Tuesday, February 17, 2009

My power week - Part 2

(Please start at Part 1 if you haven't.)

Sunday 2/1/09
So on Sunday back at the VOP we had a healing service; naturally after a healing conference. At the end of the first service, the prayer team called out some words of knowledge (things they believed God wanted to heal) and the people with that pain or sickness stood up. My wife Lauren was one of those people. Anybody that did not have a pain or sickness was to pray for those who were standing. So I was praying for Lauren and as I was doing so I looked over at someone else praying for a gentleman who had legs that were about an inch different in length. As I was looking at them I saw the gentleman’s shorter leg grow, in front of my own eyes, to be the same length as the other leg. Without realizing it I had stopped praying for Lauren and out loud said, “holy cow!” At this point Lauren is asking me what is going on and I am just standing there with my mouth wide open.

Interestingly enough, the night before I felt that God was telling me to pray for Lauren’s leg to “grow” out. To give you a quick background, Lauren fell and hurt her hip about five years prior. She actually fell on it twice and it has never healed properly. So in between the two services I had Lauren sit down with her back flat against the back of a chair and I held her legs out and sure enough one leg was about a half inch shorter than the other. (As a side note, I don’t believe that one leg was actually shorter than the other, I think that things in her body were out of alignment.) So I prayed and instantly I watched as God “grew” the shorter leg to be the same length as the other. Lauren is sitting there asking what is going on because she didn’t feel anything or see anything. Later, though, she said that something was definitely different in her hips. It was hard for her to say that things were better because she is pregnant and this in it’s self has thrown things off a bit.

So again at the end of the second service the prayer team came up and gave words of knowledge. Now I am looking around for someone to pounce on and pray for. Lo and behold the lady next to me stood up. She had sharp pain in her stomach and when she was a child she broke her ankle and it never healed right which always caused her pain. So I first prayed for her stomach and instantly God healed it. Then I prayed for her ankle and again God instantly healed it. We took a minute to rejoice in God’s goodness but I wasn’t done yet. I turned around to the lady behind me who was also standing. This lady did not speak any English so I had to do everything through a translator. I found out that she had constant pain in her ankles, back and hip. First I prayed for her ankles. After I finished praying I asked her to check it out to see how the pain was. She gave me that face that said yea I think it is a little better. So prayed again and this time she gave me the face of holy cow the pain is gone. I then prayed for her hips and back. After I finished praying I asked her to check to see how the pain was. This lady bent over and touched her toes to which her daughter yells out, “Oh my God, I can’t remember the last time she was able to do that.” The lady stood up, still not realizing that God had healed her, lifter her knee almost to her chest and then it hit her. She burst into tears, threw her arms around me and wept. Now that is what I call a power encounter with the Living God!!!

As a side note, if you are one of those people who pray for healing and can never tell whether the person is really healed or if they are just trying to make you happy, here is a hint: don’t look at the body part they are testing, rather, look at their face. As soon as they realize they are healed (or not) they cannot hide the truth in there reaction.

So after church Lauren and I were hungry, it was lunchtime after all, and partnering with God can use a lot of energy. So we decided on a restaurant that we hadn’t been to in a while. As we were sitting at the table I felt like I received a word of knowledge that there was someone who worked in the restaurant who was missing a tip of their finger and God wanted me to pray for them. Towards the end of the meal I asked the waitress if there was a cook or someone who was missing the tip of their finger. She gave me a puzzled look and said no. At that point I was going to drop it but she asked me why. So I explained to her that I was a Christian and that I believed in healing and I felt like God wanted me to pray for that person. After that I asked her if there was anything she wanted prayer for. She said that she wanted prayer for her broken heart and proceeded to tell us about her long-term boyfriend who cheated on her and that they had just broken up. Lauren and I prayed for her and when we were done she said, “You know I didn’t want to say this before but the strange thing is…” (I love when people say this.) “…when I was a child the tip of my finger was cut off and it never grew back.” I prayed for her finger. It got really hot which usually means that God is doing something but nothing happened. But after this, this waitress proceeded to tell us just about her whole life story. Lauren and I got to pray for her and minister to her and at the end she said that she felt like God had sent us in there just for her and I believe He did.

Monday 2/2/09
I got nothing for Monday. Let’s call this my Sabbath.

To be continued...

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