When we finally had a chance to get together later in the day, I could tell she was a little nervous and that the idea of praying for her back was quite foreign to her. I prayed two times in a row with no change. Then the HS gave a word of knowledge about an issue of bitterness in her life. She confirmed that this was true and I led her in a prayer of forgiveness for this individual. I then resumed praying for her back. The pain instantly went from a “9” out of 10 to a “3”. Went on vacation. Saw her about a week and a half later and asked her how her back was. She said, “prayer really works . . . you totally messed up my ideas about God after you prayed for me”. I asked her what she meant by this and she explained that she hated any kind of organized religion but did believe that there was a God. She also said that after about a week her anger towards the person she had forgiven started to creep back up again. So she decided to pray again to forgive just as I had showed her that day!
Then this was the best part, “Margaret, why is it that when you prayed for me I felt this thing but when I prayed by myself I didn’t feel it. I want to feel it again!" I asked her to explain and she said that when we prayed the prayer of forgiveness that day, that she could feel a tremendous burden fall off of her. She described it as an “incredible feeling”. I told her that this feeling was the HS working inside of her and that if she wanted to, she could have the HS too. She said that she definitely wanted to pray for the HS to come into her life so we did. A few days later she came up to Melissa and I and said that we needed a prayer group for STAFF and that she had a few people in mind that she wanted to invite to it. She said she couldn’t wait to pray again and feel that feeling again. Way to go HS! Please pray for my co-worker. We are meeting next Thursday at lunch for our first prayer group. I am confident that the Lord is leading her to himself!! Also pray for other employees that he may lead to the group!